If you want to send your loved one a birthday wishes card, make sure you personalize it. If the birthday person is in your family, make sure you mention that on the card. Alternatively, you can address the card as “SPECIFICIALLY FOR YOU” and just include the child’s age. This way, you can personalize it even more. Just make sure to include their name and date of birth in your message.
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Write a Joke or Pun
For a funny birthday card, you can write a joke or a pun about his or her age or a joke about getting older. Alternatively, you can write a sentimental message about the gifts the birthday boy or girl has received and the memories that come along with them. You may even be able to make the card more personal by adding a funny message. Regardless of what you choose, you’ll be sure to receive a smile.
Talk About Getting Older
When it comes to a funny birthday card, there are many ways to personalize it. You can write inside jokes about getting older, being overindulged, age, and the like. A funny card can be a great gift that will make the recipient laugh! If the recipient is a fan of puns, you can buy a Punkpost and give them a chuckle. Whether you’re buying a birthday card for your partner, brother, or cousin, a humorous one will definitely make them smile.
Milestone Celebration
When sending online cards to a loved one, try to remember what the person’s age is and what milestones he or she has celebrated this year. While heartfelt messages are usually appreciated, you should also consider how the birthday person views age. While it’s not uncommon to write an old-fashioned or romantic birthday message, a funny one is more likely to be appreciated. Just be sure to keep the message sincere and personalized.
Send an Inside Joke
A funny birthday card will make the recipient laugh. You can also send inside jokes about getting older or overindulged. It can be a joke about age, a gift, or whatever you feel will make your loved one smile. You can also send a personal message of your own. If you’re looking for a more personal card, try a personal joke or a funny poem. These are great gifts for people who enjoy jokes.
Add a Funny Quote
A humorous birthday card will definitely make your loved one laugh. If your loved one loves to joke, make sure to add a funny quote or message. It’ll make them laugh and it will be a great way to show that you’re there for them. In addition to a funny birthday card, a humorous birthday message can be a great way to personalize the card and make the recipient feel appreciated. It’s not always necessary to write a funny card to share your feelings with a loved one.
Skateboarder, feminist, DJ, hand letterer and HTML & CSS lover. Doing at the sweet spot between beauty and function to create great work for living breathing human beings. I’m fueled by craft beer, hip-hop and tortilla chips.